Making Memories through 宝博体育 远足 in 格勒诺布尔

Two study abroad students standing together for a photo

Making My Favorite 宝博体育 Memories through 东航卡帕 远足 in 格勒诺布尔, 法国   

Over the lake and through castle ruins, on 东航卡帕 我们去远足! 宝博体育是一种冲击. From exploring my city to learning a language, I feel like I have gained a great wealth of unique experiences and skills. In addition to my studies and other daily duties, my favorite aspect of this study abroad semester has been venturing out of my daily routine—or, 正如法国人所说, “心疼例行的人儿- - -由CEA capa赞助 远足! In the midst of my schoolwork and time spent with friends each month, I get to experience fascinating locations near 格勒诺布尔 with my stellar 东航卡帕 staff and fellow students! 

A stone archway standing over a brick path leading into a village

On our way home from a weekend excursion with 东航卡帕, we made a pit stop in the most beautiful village in 法国, 根据文化部的排名. 

A study abroad student staring up at a tall ceiling inside a building

On a 东航卡帕 excursion to the nearby city of Lyon, we experienced the neo-Gothic/neo-Byzantine architecture of the 19th-century Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourvière. 

From small villages to historical landmarks, 惊人的洞穴, 风景如画, the 东航卡帕短途旅行 I attended this semester were each a wonderful treat! My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend extra time together away from school with the added benefits of learning more about 法国 and having all of our meals taken care of!  

Two study abroad students standing together for a photo

My friends and I visiting Musée-Château d’Annecy overlooking the beautiful old town of Annecy, 法国. 

A person standing by a body of water and pointing toward it

Our stellar tour guide telling us that even though all of the canals in Annecy flow into the Thiou River, they each have a different name (like street names)! 

We truly cooked up some great memories, traipsing around castle ruins in Beauvoir-en-Royans, 沿着安纳西的运河漫步, and exploring the pristine waters of the Choranche caves. 

Three study abroad students taking a photo in an indoor space

Exploring the stunning Grotte de Choranche with 东航卡帕 in the Vercors Regional National Park. 

A view through a stone window at the remains of a stone castle

Peeking through the medieval castle ruins of the Carmes Convent on the first leg of our 东航卡帕 excursion in the French countryside. 

After spending two and a half months getting to know the other 东航卡帕 students and hanging out with Brie and Justine, 我们在格勒诺布尔的东航卡帕员工, we took a longer overnight excursion to Lausanne, 瑞士. By that point in the semester, the group of 东航卡帕 students studying in 格勒诺布尔 had become 我的朋友们, making the trip a wildly fun adventure.  

A group of study abroad students on a boat looking across the water

Crossing Lake Geneva on our way to Lausanne, 瑞士. 

We cruised along Lake Geneva’s ice-cold waters, 尽情享受柔滑的冰淇淋, 参观奥林匹克博物馆, and wandered about the old cobblestone streets. The 远足 东航卡帕 sponsored gave me unique experiences, 迷人的知识, 和美好的新友谊. 

A study abroad student sitting near a body of water and raising their arm toward a boat

Sophie on the banks of Lake Geneva, waiting to board the boat back to 法国! 

没有东航卡帕短途旅行, I would not have had the opportunity to learn or see as much as I did. 我们知识渊博的导游, who accompanied our 东航卡帕 group on most trips throughout the semester, walked us through unique paths in nearly every town or city we visited.  

A study abroad student in front of a large fountain featuring elephant statues

Checking out the Fontaine des Eléphants with 东航卡帕 in Chambéry, 法国. 

Two study abroad students taking a selfie in front of a statue

我们穿过罗伊邦, 法国, with 东航卡帕 and got to see one of French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi’s original Lady Liberty statues. 

Ducking through old passageways or historic buildings, our adventures led us to some fascinating sites. From finding Jean Jaques Rousseau’s apartment building to coming across one of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi’s original Lady Liberty statues, I would never have known to look for such historical gems on my own.  


佩顿特 is the 内容创作者-摄影师 in 格勒诺布尔, 法国, and is currently studying at Cedarville University.